As a parent, what's my role in the class?
Sing, dance, and have fun! Simply by participating enthusiastically during class and playing with the ideas at home, you'll give your children the modeling they need.
What's expected of my child in class?
At Music Together, children are never required to sit in the circle or expected to conform to an adult's idea of participation. One hallmark of Music Together is the insight that children will naturally develop music ability simply when they are immersed in a community of families all making music. Many will simply want to watch and absorb, particularly in the first few weeks of class. Some might crawl or toddle around; others are stimulated by the music and respond more actively, running, jumping, or dancing. It is all ok and welcomed!
What is the class size?
Each class has between 6 and 12 registered children, plus their caregiver(s).
How long are the classes?
All class types (Mixed-Age classes, Rhythm Kids®®, and Babies) are 45-minutes. All classes meet once a week.
How long are the semesters?
We offer a 10-week Fall, Winter and Spring semester, and a 6-week summer session.
What is the refund policy?
No tuition refunds are given after your first week of classes. Families are responsible for class attendance.
What is the make-up policy?
We offer unlimited makeup classes during each semester session. Makeups must be used within the same semester and cannot be transferred to another semester. Please visit the portal to sign up for a make up class.
Can I switch to a different class?
As long as there is space in the class you want to switch into, changes can be accommodated. Please contact the Director to make a class change.
What if I start classes after the semester begins?
While we encourage families to start at the beginning of the session, we'll welcome families at any point in the semester, as space permits, and tuition will be automatically prorated online.
Can we eat in class?
Please feel comfortable to nurse or bottle-feed your child in class, but we ask that you not bring food or drink into classrooms.
Can I bring a guest or an unregistered older sibling to class?
Music Together® classes may be in session when older children have a school holiday, and it is natural to want to bring them with you to class. All guests must be prearranged with the teacher to ensure adequate space in the class.
Is it OK for more than one adult to come to class?
Yes, parents, grandparents, or caregivers are welcome to attend class at any time—no need to ask!