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The Movement of Music
With the ineluctable approach of winter, many people warm themselves up by moving their body. Studies show that by moving, one is stretching their muscles, which improves balance, stability and coordination. Want a unique way to move your body while still incorporating music?
Here is a fun challenge to engage in this week =
As you practice your instrument this week = Try moving as you practice.
If you play viola/violin/cello---try swaying from side to side using unilateral movement (this is played when the body and bow move in the same direction, often played with slower songs)
or bilateral movement (also known as contralateral movement) when the body moves in opposite direction of the bow stroke, often played with medium or fast songs.)
If you play piano—try shimmering shoulders from side to side while playing.
If you play any woodwinds—trying bending knees while playing to enhance timbre.
If you sing—try moving your body to the lyrics of the song for added expression.
If you play any other instrument, explore moving different parts of your body as you practice—specifically in two directions, front to back, side to side or a combination of both. Any type of body movements, from tapping the foot, to moving your body from side to side, or a nodding motion, help keep the beat, in addition to captivating the audience. Indubitably, students must understand, when they are playing their instrument, they are playing with more than just their hands; they are playing the instrument with their entire body.
Keep in mind--moving while playing ought never to be excessive neither a distraction that interferes with playing. When done properly, moving will enhance tone production by releasing tension from the body.
Moving while playing is a characteristic of many musicians, and because, for example, playing strings commences from the ground up, and the center out, swaying while playing is a form of inspiration, expressive movement and musical engagement. When a piece of music is played with musicality, the inevitable byproduct is expression.
We often move while we listen to music, why not move while we play?
We’d love to read your comments on how this week’s “Advanced & Enhanced” section has improved your playing. Post a comment HERE
New Assistant

Greetings and Salutations!
My name is Bailey Clemmons and I am excited to introduce myself as the newest contributor towards the Bull City Music School! I am very blessed to have this opportunity and shall do my very best to educate, entertain and inspire you with each weekly newsletter.
A little bit about me: born and raised in Durham, NC, I work in the pharmacy by day, and teach music in the evening. I received my Bachelor’s degree in Biology, while minoring in Spanish & Mass Communications.
While I college, music provided a positive outlet and I decided to pursue my hobby and turned it into a side business.
From playing at weddings and talent shows to a museum and school performances, I’ve had the incredible honor of playing with the Meredith College Philharmonic Orchestra in Raleigh, NC and the Chapel Hill Philharmonic.
My moniker is Lady Bailey & my favorite color is green.
I am one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
I am a logophile & sesquipedalian—lover of words and lexicon with many syllables.
I am a passionate and motivated instructor who loves working with students and sharing my love of music. My philosophy is to focus more on progression than perfection.
Although I play the viola, violin and piano, my default instrument is the viola--an instrument with its own flavor and style.
“Happiness, like the viola, must be practiced daily”

The month of December is National Giving Month!
As we come to the close of such a unique 2020 year, the month of December provides us a very special opportunity to give back to the musical community!
National Giving Month sheds light on the spirit of community and service through shared values that transcend race, religion, region, gender, age, disability, income and education.
While National Giving Month unites people of all ideologies during the month of December by sharing one's time and resources through the charitable community, it encourages the nonprofit sector to solve the socio-economic challenges that will equip women, men and children with resources to pursue their musical dreams!
Show your BCMS pride, by donating today!
100 percent of the proceeds go towards our scholarship fund!