Son: I'm bored
Mom: Really?
This is an actual conversation between any one of my children and me. I know only my children say they are bored and you never hear this from your kids, yeah right.
There is research, somewhere stating boredom is ok.
Schools are about to be on spring break & the situation with COVID-19 does not make boredom any easier.
Have no fear, trusty readers. Read on to bust the " I'm Bored Syndrome". We provide you with 3 easy peasy ideas to beat the "you know what" syndrome.
Let's go!
1.) Attend online concerts & performances- The online platform is filled with free concerts and musical performances. Free concerts & online performances provide a perfect time to expose the kiddos to different genres of music, culture and traditions. Check here for local listing for free concerts. Learning is about creating in the moment experiences.

2.) Perform yourself! The online platform is a great opportunity to play for family & friends via Zoom, Skype, Google Duo or other online forms. Invite those you know to listen to a song you have memorized or are currently working on. Open the possibilities of creativity!

3.) Do a collaboration with other students--Have students play a song and discuss with others so they play the same song. Connect the videos together and see them beautifully played as one. A first, this may take coaxing with the kiddos. However, behind every song is motivation or interesting story.

Three short but very filling and rewarding ways to kick boredom's hiney.
Let's move, let's play and most of all be creative!
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Bull City Music School is the Modern Approach to Music.